
Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation in Learning Organizations


The course promotes participants’ knowledge and skills in developing, rolling out and appraising complex monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems, processes and practices across organizations’ global portfolios. Focus is on challenges and opportunities development organizations are faced with in terms of summarizing their global performance and establishing learning cultures.


- Evidence-​informed theories of change, and results frameworks and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

- Mixed methods data collection and analysis for global performance assessment

- Digitalization, including customized and open source solutions

- Institutionalization, including organizations' internal approval procedures and decision-making

- Capacity building, including resources, principles and strategies to support senior management, staff teams and implementing partner organizations

- Strategies and tools to facilitate organizations in becoming learning organizations, including dealing with mistakes

- Practice examples from different organizations that illustrate some of the results as well as challenges in terms of global MEL processes

  • Theorie und Geschichte der Evaluation / Grundkenntnisse
  • Methodenkompetenzen / Methodische Kenntnisse
  • Organisations- und Feldkenntnisse
  • Sonstige
Durchführende Person/en bzw. Institution/en (inkl. kurzer Vorstellung)

NADEL - Center for Development and Cooperation, ETH Zurich. Kimon Schneider (Senior Lecturer), including external speakers from different development organizations (bilateral, NGO, foundations, etc.)

Umfang (Dauer)

3-day course (including 1-3 days individual preparatory work, depening on advance level)


The course is intended for those who are advanced in MEL such as program managers (mid- to senior level), thematic advisors, knowledge managers, knowledge mobilizers, and MEL officers.

Sonstige Angaben

Course participants must be advanced in working with MEL concepts and processes. The course instructor will contact participants ahead of the course in order to assess their thematic knowledge and – if needed – provide material to update participants' knowledge prior to the course.

